Gels are finely dispersive systems ( mixtures ), that exist in a state somewhere between a solid and a liquid. They are defined by their viscosity, e.g. low or high viscosity. Solid substances with particle sizes of up to one millionth of a millimetre ( also known as colloids ) function either in or with the gel. The functions can be either chemical or physical in nature.
In order to illustrate the variety of application options, here are some examples:
Washing agents in gel form ensure an even distribution of substances in the medium, which means fast and precise effectiveness of the raw materials used as well as reduced consumption of these raw materials – the result: Cost reduction, energy reduction and environmental protection, all at the same time.
If you want to store cold or heat, gels produced with the appropriate recipes can be made with increased storage capacities. The heat inflow or outflow can be slowed down significantly with the use of appropriately selected viscosities, meaning that the cooling or warming effect can be considerably prolonged. At the same time, the malleability of the gel mass is preserved.
Gels help to influence physical processes in the simplest way, e.g. as a coupling medium (in ultrasound), or as a damping or load distributing unit.
It quickly became clear that the topic of gels requires specialist bundling and what would be more appropriate than founding a company designed to devote all of its efforts to this topic. In 1997, the time had come. The GELLO company was founded. GELLO stands for “Gel Logistics”. GELLO® GmbH Geltechnik stands for the competent use of gels in a wide variety of applications.
GELLO® GmbH Geltechnik is founded in Ahaus “on the green meadow".
Move into a newly built facility with a production and storage space of 600 sqm
Introduction of a certified quality and management system
Expansion of the production facility by a further 600 sqm
Relocation into a production and warehouse building, converted to meet the special requirements of gel production, with a total floor space of 2000 sqm
Expansion of the company’s technical equipment
Complete revision of the production floor
Introduction of a new logistics system
Doubling of the storage capacity
Restructuring and automation of manufacturing
20-year anniversary of Gello GmbH Geltechnik
Expansion of production capacity
We are now working with 100% green electricity
Significant expansion and automation of the production of gels
Installation of a wallbox and purchase of electric vehicles
Dispatch takes place with the first gas-powered trucks
Introduction of a new ERP
25-year anniversary of Gello GmbH Geltechnik
100% heat generation from renewable energies
Expansion of the machine park with an increase in capacity
Installation of a photovoltaic system with the option of completely covering your own electricity needs
Further increase in capacity through new machines
Our quality standards have been high ever since the company was founded. Early on, we set up a comprehensive quality assurance system and became certified. The processes in the company, from recipe design and material selection to the finished product, are documented appropriately and subject to strict controls. This system also includes external partners, for example, suppliers and logistics.
Simple solutions, even for difficult problems, are our speciality. For example, the design of our recipes and the materials we use combines the lowest risk and allergy potential for the user with best-possible functionality. Although costs must always be kept in check, it is important to ensure that the result is high-quality and suitable for the intended purpose and needs. In doing so, the requirements for hygiene and cleanliness are fully met.
Communication with our customers is especially important to us in order to initiate developments, improve on existing ideas and to allow the transfer knowledge. This increases mutual competitiveness. Many years of experience in the approval of new technologies and products in Europe is the driving force and the guarantor for our future viability. The competence and commitment of our staff combined with flat hierarchies offers the opportunity to get simple yet effective solutions off the ground.
The even distribution of ingredients in a gel significantly reduces the raw material content. At the same time, the defined effect is optimised, for example, in relation to liquids. From the very start, we have always striven to use of raw materials in a safe and sustainable way. At the same time we use substances with the greatest proven level of environmental compatibility. We measure the design of products according to their specified service life and intended purpose. Particular attention is paid to the well-being of the end user who uses the product.